Thursday, February 19, 2009

sleepless = stressful

start from this week
I 'm sleepless and stressful
everyday i already sleep late
and already very very tired only go bed sleep
but still roll on the bed
can't sleep and can't sleep well
sleep late and wake up early
sleep few hours and wake up
my head damn pain
but still can't sleep
what happen on me???
what can i do???
i need more energy to work on my final project
but i can't sleep
how to recharge my energy???
now my headache
today wake up so so so early and just slept few hours
and just now i trying to have a afternoon nap
to recharge my energy
but when i lay on my bed
i can't sleep
close the eye
and keep on think many things
non stop thinking
until dreaming also dream of assignment
i'm so scare
i going crazy soon
who can help me???
i really need a help
if not before presentation day
i already become zombie and crazy

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