people who no more confidence...
izit still can alive?
she already feel dissappionted to this world and everythings...
she already no hope...
she already do what she can do...
but no use...
she already feel herself useless in this crazy world...
she feel endless...
she feel everythings she did all lose...
she lost everythings she need...
she lost herself in her life...
she already lost...
she feeling dieing...
what does she do?
did she still can alive...
she feel everythings stupid...
because what she did...already useless...
no one care her...
no one know her...
no one love her...
all hate her...
all feel she noisy and hatefullness...
she dunno how to help herself in her life...
she already give up...
give up evrythings...
she feel this world are dark...
FOR ME...she still alive...
she feel dark...but have 1 candle in front of her...
the candle can show the way from hell to heaven...
just see she want to choose or not...
because the way is difficultive...
is a lot of torn...and poison snake...
if she brave...she can pass this hell to heaven...
she is a superwomen that we can see at the future...
this is a story of become a great superwomen...
this story is a real story...
juz the person who step before this way only can know the tones and sadness...
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