Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2molo interview already...

2molo got 2 go interview already...
very worry ans scare...
have 2 go alone...
at dynasty hotel...
have drive there alone...
who can help me?
i going die...
i very seruois shit scare la...
first time interior interview...
summore go alone...
i tot marcus will go wif...
but he fetch his cousin go college...
and his leg pain...
wat 2 do???
i tot 'ho~ho~' fetch me...
but he tell me he busy...
wat 2 do?
no one go wif me..
i very 'gan zheong ' la...
2day already tat worry...
2molo sure damn weird feel...
die la...

who can help me man?????


serious shit need help la...

very stress la...


HERE I COME!!!!!!!!

dunno will successful anot...
i dun 1 many time of interview ah...
scare once enuf la...

hopefully success...

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